Twenty Years of Budo for Peace

By Kinue Tokudome

Danny Hakim OAM is a man of action whose energy and passion have always impressed me since I became friends with him and have worked with him occasionally.

Danny recently let me know, with photos, that he was part of the Israeli delegation to the 14th SKIF World Karate Championships held in Hungary from August 23 to 27. (Danny is a Shotokan Karate 7-dan)

So, I took this opportunity to summarize his activities to date.


Danny was born in Australia, spent his younger years studying karate in Japan, and now lives and works in Israel.

In 1983, Danny participated in the first SKIF World Championships at the Tokyo Yoyogi Olympic stadium as a member of the Australian team, winning a bronze medal in the team fighting event.

His encounter with his mentor, Soke  Hirokazu Kanazawa, the founder of SKIF ( Shotokan Karate International Federation) at that time, became a defining moment in his life, which took him on a 40-year trajectory to implement the lessons and values learned from his teacher and mentor to promote peace in the Middle East.

Soke  Hirokazu Kanazawa, Danny, Kancho Nobuaki Kanazawa

In November 2003, Danny presented the concept of Budo for Peace at the First International Symposium on Budo Culture conducted at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto and sponsored by Japan’s Ministry of Education.

In 2004, Danny established the non-profit organization Budo for Peace with a grant from the Japanese government called “Program to Promote Grassroots Peacebuilding Activities.”

In 2006, a joint Israeli/ Palestinian BFP youth team competed at the 6th SKIF world championships at Tokyo Yoyogi Olympic Stadium and performed a special peace kata at the opening ceremony.

Soke Kanazawa speaks about the BFP youth team’s performance in Tokyo in 2006 during the reception held at the Japanese Embassy in 2008

Over the span of 20 years, BFP taught thousands of Israeli and Palestinian youth the Budo values of tolerance, self-control, and self-development while promoting harmony between youth and their different communities.

These joint events and training camps were supported by many Japanese ambassadors.

In 2010, Soke and his son Nobuaki visited the first BFP’s  Bedouin Arab karate club known as “ Champions of the Desert.”

In 2016, Danny established the official Israel branch of “Kids Kicking Cancer,” training martial arts instructors from Karate, Judo, Aikido, Kung Fu, and Taekwondo, the Budo mental techniques to empower children with cancer to overcome their pain.

In 2018, BFP was honored by the Prince of Monaco’s Peace and Sport organization, winning the award of the best regional NGO of the year for their work with Syrian and Afghani refugees.

For the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, BFP had planned to perform a Peace Kata to show the world how Japanese Budo culture -one of Japan’s biggest cultural exports- can help bring peace in the world, even in conflict regions such as the Middle East. However, due to Corona, all performances were canceled.

With Olympic and Paralympic Games Minister Seiko Hashimoto

In 2019, BFP organized the first International Day of Sport and Peace in Israel, inviting 12 other Sports and Peace organizations to participate. They included soccer, basketball, tennis, catchball, karate, capoeira, frisbee, and kayaking.

Australian Ambassador to Israel at the International Day of Sport and Peace

The success of this event and the collaborations between these organizations developed into the creation of the Sport for Social Change Coalition, which now has 22 organizations with 50,000 youth athletes in 384 locations in Israel. The organizations focus on using sport to promote and support programs on Women empowerment, special needs, children at risk, shared society, and collaboration between member organizations to create a collective impact.

In January 2022, Danny was honored by the Australian government for his work in Sport and Peace and received the Order of Australia Medal for service to the international community.

More on Danny’s receiving the Order of Australia Medal 

In his acceptance speech, Danny acknowledged Soke Kanazawa as his work’s inspiration and spiritual guide. Soke passed away in December 2019.

At the recent 14th SKIF World Karate Championships, attended by 50 counties and over 1000 athletes, a memorial video was shown honoring the life and legacy of Soke.

Soke’s son, Kancho Nobuaki Kanazawa – a former karate world champion- has taken over the leadership of SKIF (which numbers over 3 million practitioners ) and will be continuing the legacy of his father, spreading the values of Budo to the world.

With Kancho Nobuaki Kanazawa and Mrs. Kanazawa

行動の人ダニー・ハキム: 「Budo for Peace」 の20年


ダニー・ハキム OAM(オーストラリア勲章受賞者)は、私が彼と友人になって以来その行動力と情熱にいつも感動し、時には一緒に活動してきた仲間です。

ダニーは先日も、8月23日から27日までハンガリーで開催された第14回SKIF(國際松濤館空手道連盟) 世界空手道選手権大会にイスラエル代表団の一員として参加したことを、写真と共に知らせてくれました。(ダニーは松濤館空手七段)



ダニーは1983年、東京代々木競技場で開催された第1 回SKIF世界空手道選手権大会に、オーストラリアチームの一員として出場、団体で銅メダルを獲得しました。

國際松濤館空手道連盟 金澤弘和 宗家・最高師範(十段)との出会いはダニーの人生を決定づけ、その後中東の平和を促進するため、恩師である金澤最高師範から学んだ教訓と価値観を実践する40年の軌跡に繋がりました。

金澤弘和 国際松濤館空手道連盟 宗家最高師範・ダニー・金澤伸明國際松濤館館長

2003年11月、ダニーは「平和のための武道」というコンセプトを提案し、日本文部省主催の「第1 回国際武道文化シンポジウム」で発表しました。

京都の国際日本文化研究センターで行われたシンポジウムのテーマは 「21世紀の日本武道の行方: 過去・現在・未来」というものでした。

ダニーは、 「武道の教え: イスラエル・パレスチナ対立の壁を乗り越える」と題して発表しました。

2004年、ダニーは日本政府の「草の根平和構築活動促進プログラム」の助成金を得て、非営利団体BFP「Budo for Peace(平和のための武道)」を設立しました。


金澤弘和 宗家(2006年BFPユースチームの東京での演舞動画を含む)


2010年、金澤弘和 宗家と彼のご子息金澤信明氏は、通称 “砂漠のチャンピオン” として知られるBFPのアラブ・ベドウィン空手クラブを初めて訪れました。

2016年、ダニーは「Kids Kicking Cancer」の公式イスラエル支部を設立し、空手・柔道・合気道・カンフー・テコンドーのインストラクターたちに、がんと闘う子どもたちに力を与え、痛みを克服する武道テクニックを教えました。








このイベントの成功とこれらの団体間の協力関係は、「社会改革のためのスポーツ連合」の創設へと発展しました。それは、イスラエル全土 384ヶ所で活動する5万人の青少年アスリートが所属する22の団体に拡大しました。これらの団体は、スポーツを通じて女性のエンパワーメント・特別支援・リスク児・共有社会などを支援し、集団的な影響力を発揮できるよう会員団体間の協力に重点を置いています。

2022年1月、ダニーはオーストラリア政府からBudo for Peaceや「平和とスポーツ」での活動が認められ、国際社会への貢献者に贈られる Order of Australia を授与されました。


ダニーは受賞のスピーチで、彼にインスピレーションを与え彼の精神的指導者となった金澤弘和 宗家最高師範に、感謝を捧げました。宗家は2019年12月に逝去。

先ごろハンガリーで開催された第14回SKIF世界空手道選手権大会には、50カ国から1,000人を超える空手家が参加し、金澤弘和 宗家最高師範の生涯と遺産を称えた思い出のビデオを鑑賞しました。

